What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic medicine combines safe and effective traditional therapies with the most current advances in modern medicine. Trained as a general practitioner, I work with patients to treat everything from simple colds and flu's to adjunctive care for cancer. Naturopathic medicine has effective treatments for numerous diseases including cardiovascular disease, endocrine disorders, allergies, autoimmune diseases, lung diseases, digestive problems, diabetes, bladder and vaginal infections. Because I identify and treat the underlying cause of disease and assist you in removing obstacles to health, I have been successful with hard to treat disease syndromes such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraines, skin disorders, ADHD and "undiagnosable" symptoms. With a focus on prevention, I evaluate and suggest diet and lifestyle changes to avoid developing health problems and resolve early symptoms.
Treatment plans often focus on diet and lifestyle suggestions, supported by nutritional and herbal supplements. Physical therapy and homoeopathy are also used. If necessary, referrals for pharmaceuticals and surgery may also be suggested and I will work in conjunction with an M.D. for a comprehensive treatment plan. Licensed N.D.'s are trained in pharmaceutical prescription and herb-drug interactions, know when to refer for prescriptions in non-licensed states and can help decrease their side effects.
The principles of naturopathic medicine are part of what distinguishes the naturopathic approach to health care from the conventional approach and are based on objective observation of the nature of health and disease. The following principles are the foundation of naturopathic medical practice:
The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae) Naturopathic medicine recognizes an inherent self-healing process in the body that is ordered and intelligent. Naturopathic physicians act to identify and remove obstacles to recovery as well as to facilitate and augment this healing ability.
First Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere) Naturopathic medicine follows three principles to avoid harming the patient: (1) Utilize methods and medical substances that minimize the risk of harmful side effects (2) Avoid, when possible, the harmful suppression of symptoms (3) Acknowledge and respect the individual's healing process, using the least force necessary to diagnose and treat illness.
Find the Cause (Tolle Causam) Underlying causes of illness must be identified and removed before complete recovery can occur. The naturopathic physician seeks to identify and remove the underlying causes of illness, rather than to eliminate or merely suppress symptoms.
Treat the Whole Person Naturopathic physicians treat each individual by taking into account physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social and other factors
Prevention Naturopathic physicians emphasize disease prevention, assessment of risk factors and hereditary susceptibility to disease and making appropriate interventions to prevent illness. Naturopathic medicine strives to create a healthy world in which humanity may thrive.
Doctor as Teacher (Docere) The original meaning of the word "doctor" is teacher. One of the main objectives of naturopathic medicine is to educate the patient and emphasize self -responsibility for health.
Wellness Wellness follows the establishment and maintenance of optimum health and balance. Wellness is a state of being healthy and not just the absent of disease. If wellness is truly recognized and nurtured within that individual, he/she will more quickly heal, as compared to their healing with direct treatment of the dis-ease alone.